4. Cache your web pages.
You may have the habit of checking on your competition now and then. Before you do, clear your cache and cookies. Now, visit and observe how fast their webpages load and then do the same with your wordpress pages. How much faster is their loading speed than your website? if your competition has faster loading speeds, then you need to increase page speed, too.
Keep in mind that having an e-commerce site is a lot like a race. The fastest to the finish line gets to stand on the first placer’s spot on the podium. In this case, the finish line is the moment a web page loads in full.
Browsers use caching to avoid having to reload entire pages every time a user returns to your site. They cache objects like stylesheets, images, javascript files, and more. We know it’s important to improve website speed for first-time users, but enabling caching can cut additional seconds off that already-quick loading time for returning users. Why not take advantage?. https://wp-support.ie/services/improve-website-speed-for-wordpress-and-woocommerce/
Caching is a mechanism that helps a lot with page speed and it’s a must for all websites. In simple words, when you use caching , the server creates static html versions of your webpages and shows those to users instead of generating the pages from the beginning every time there is a request for a page. This makes the process faster, fewer server resources are required and the user gets a better experience. The caching mechanism is clever enough to understand when there is a change to a page or when not to cache a page, so the overall website experience is the same.
A lot goes into a website. Paying closer attention to the following areas can help increase website speed and performance. 1. Development improvements front end technologies - what you should know templating role: templating languages are somewhat of a hot topic nowadays. While some argue they're irrelevant, a lot of website owners are migrating and trying to hit better lighthouse scores without any js framework. Template caching: aka dynamic page caching, template caching allows you to cache entire templates, making your pages much more lightweight. Template rendering: a template provides the basic html and serves it to the users. If you use a templated website builder, they sometimes create messy code that can slow your site.
5. Enable browser caching.
When an online visitor lands on your webpage, her browser downloads the elements which are on that webpage. If that person lands again on the same website/webpage, her browser would be downloading all those elements once more. However, if you have enabled browser caching, that wouldn’t be happening.
Browser caching enables you to temporarily store data on your website visitor’s computer. So when they land on your website again, they don’t have to download all these elements from scratch. And when they don’t have to download the elements as if they’re visiting for the first time, the webpage loads pretty quickly.
While all the tricks we laid out so far may have done the trick, there might be more. Another essential tip is to enable browser caching for your visitors. Browser caching is when visitors can keep the files from when they first visited your website in their browsers. This allows them to reload only the necessary content when they re-visit your website, reducing user http requests significantly. Browser caching cuts down on load times for all visitors and reduces the bandwidth used for both the visitor and the server side. The easiest way to enable caching to the whole wordpress website is through plugins.
The main cause why browser caching is essential is because it cut down the load on your web server, which ultimately reduces the load time of the website for your users with increased page speed. When you visit a website page, your program downloads all content of the specific page just as normal static documents like css and js files. Furthermore, when you visit another page of the same website, your browser starts downloading them once more. In any case, if you have enabled leverage browser caching, it will just download the unique content of the web page and static files will serve from your program.
Query strings are the suffixes that you sometimes see at the ends of urls, starting with special characters such as question marks or ampersands. Here’s a quick example of an url with a query string, and one without: yourwebsite. Com/style. Css?ver=2 yourwebsite. Com/style. Css the goal of query strings is to enable you to identify specific versions of an asset or get around caching restrictions. You can use query strings to “bust” the cache and force your browser to load the latest version of a file. That sounds great in practice, but query strings usually don’t play nicely with cdns or custom caching solutions (both of which you should be using, as discussed earlier).
By default, css and javascript files are loaded synchronously, which means they are loaded one at a time. Switching to asynchronous can help speed up your website. If you have a very large file on a page, it can reduce loading speeds. This is because the website must load that file before moving on. Essentially, it’s like being on a one-lane highway and having a slow car in front of you. However, in an asynchronous setting, you can load that big element while also loading the other smaller ones. Keeping with our highway analogy, this is like introducing another two lanes that allow quicker cars to go around the slow one.
Once you’ve minified and combined some of your files, you can also optimize the way that they load on your pages. Scripts like css and javascript can be loaded in two different ways: synchronously or asynchronously. If your scripts load synchronously, they load one at a time, in the order they appear on the page. If your scripts load asynchronously, on the other hand, some of them will load simultaneously. Loading files asynchronously can speed up your pages because when a browser loads a page, it moves from top to bottom. If it gets to a css or javascript file that is not asynchronous, it will stop loading until it has fully loaded that particular file.
This is another way to help the files that make up your website load faster. To understand how it helps, you first have to understand the difference between synchronous and asynchronous loading. The first one means that files like css style sheets and javascript scripts load one at a time in the order they appear on the page. In this case the browser doesn’t continue until it has finished loading a particular file. When files load asynchronously, the browser keeps going down the line without waiting for a file download to be finished. As a consequence, it will load several files at the same time, reducing bottlenecks and loading more quickly.
Render-blocking resources are files that are required for rendering (loading the visuals on) a webpage. When loading a page, a browser downloads these files before anything else, and will not show the page until they are processed. A render-blocking resource is typically found in the section of your html page, and could be a javascript, html or css file. Too many render-blocking resources slow down your pages. While it’s important that your site displays its content correctly, some files that are considered render-blocking by a browser may not be needed to load the page. Instead, they can be deferred to load in the background while the page is displayed, whilst prioritising the most important stuff first.